Vincentian Priest Resisted Nazis, Became WWII Martyr for Italian Liberation

by | May 7, 2024 | Congregation of the Mission, News

Father Giuseppe Morosini, CM, though largely unknown within the Vincentian Family, played a significant role in history through his courageous actions during World War II. Executed by the Nazis on April 3, 1944, at Forte Bravetta near Rome, his legacy intertwines patriotism and holiness.

Born in 1913 in Ferentino, Italy, Fr. Giuseppe exhibited an early passion for music and a growing interest in priesthood. After joining the Congregation of the Mission, he pursued theological studies in Rome and Piacenza, all while nurturing his musical talents. Ordained in 1937, he initially focused on youth ministry, displaying a cheerful demeanor that endeared him to many.

As war engulfed Europe, Fr. Giuseppe volunteered as a military chaplain, serving in Yugoslavia before returning to Italy. Amidst the turmoil, he aided the wounded and sheltered Italian servicemen. Deeply patriotic, he joined the Resistance, collaborating with various underground organizations to gather intelligence, forge documents, and hide refugees, including Jews, from the Nazis.

Fr. Morosini’s clandestine activities grew, culminating in obtaining vital military plans from an Austrian officer. Utilizing his position within the Collegio Leoniano, he saved countless lives, despite Gestapo scrutiny. Eventually betrayed, he endured brutal interrogations, steadfastly refusing to betray his comrades.

His final days at Regina Coeli Prison showcased his unwavering faith and love for music. Even amid suffering, he composed a lullaby and comforted fellow inmates. Facing execution, he demonstrated remarkable courage, professing that “it takes more courage to live than to die.”

Fr. Morosini’s death, marked by the firing squad’s hesitance and subsequent execution, exemplified his sacrifice. Posthumously awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor, he was hailed as a symbol of patriotism and faith. His story inspired Roberto Rossellini’s acclaimed film “Roma città aperta,” immortalizing his legacy.

In 1954, his remains were laid to rest in Ferentino, and in 1997, Italy honored him with a commemorative postage stamp. Despite the likelihood of never being canonized, Fr. Giuseppe Morosini’s memory endures as a beacon of courage, compassion, and unwavering devotion to others, reminding us of the profound impact one individual can make in the face of adversity.

Read full article here.

