A Humble Donation with a Big Result

by | Sep 11, 2021 | Brothers CMM, News

Projector and laptop for St. Vincent Mixed Secondary School in Oyugis.

Recently the general board of the CMM Brothers was able to grant a request from St. Vincent Mixed Secondary School in Oyugis (Kenya) and send them a donation from a well-wisher. The money was used to buy a laptop and a projector. In many schools these might be common goods, but not all schools have the financial means to purchase these items.

With this laptop and projector teachers have more ways at their disposal to make the subject matter comprehensible, for example by means of PowerPoint presentations. In a letter of appreciation, the school’s principal Br. Christopher Akunga highlights some of the benefits that they have experienced by using it.

“The use of technology especially PowerPoint makes the students to contextualize the content in an easy way. It has helped in time management as well.  By the use of PowerPoint teachers have found that they spend less time repeating and rewriting information that is now accessible within just a simple click. PowerPoint presentations also make the students more actively participating in the lessons and they enjoy it. Thank you for helping us to enjoy this experience. With God’s grace I promise to work diligently in imparting knowledge and skills to the underprivileged in our society.”

Source: https://www.cmmbrothers.org/

Tags: Kenya