Youth, Protagonists of the Present Era!

by | May 17, 2020 | Formation, Reflections

The world is in constant motion. It does not wait for our thoughts and actions. That is where our role in history enters the picture: planning, analyzing, and executing the best moves to achieve our personal success. But what do young Vincentians have to do with all of this?

We young people are constantly changing, involved in an environment of responsibilities and challenges … and doing all of this seems like a long and arduous mission. But I will share with you some secrets to success, which can make our life even more pleasant to live and, of course, more pleasant from a Vincentian perspective.

First of all, we can be Vincentians even if we are university students, working all day, studying for a degree, taking care of our family. We can also go to a dance, a bar, lead a healthy life, play sports … but one detail is most important and therefore, let us not forget that which is most important, namely respect and discipline.

Second, let us not forget that we are young Catholics! It is our duty to live a life in accord with Christian principles. Through this spiritual enrichment we can strengthen ourselves for our mission of serving the poor.

Third, being Vincentian gives a flavor to our lives. We have been chosen to care for the little ones of God. We have been given a special charisma and we can make a difference in the life of others. Let us remember the words of Frederic Ozanam: “To young people who are hungry and thirsty for social justice, we offer fraternal charity and true Christian activity”.

Saint Vincent de Paul speaks in a powerful way and summarizes the steps of success: “Happy are those who dedicate the short time of their lives to love and justice! For charity, for God, for the poor! What greater act of love can men and women perform than to give themselves entirely, by state or office, to the salvation and the relief of those who are afflicted and marginalized? In this is perfection”.

Finally, When I talk about these steps and success, I want to emphasize the fact that life is a career for everyone and also that it is difficult to reconcile everything… Yes, it is … but if we really want to make a difference in this world, then we take the time, we must be able to laugh, humor, and we need to eliminate excuses. Furthermore, I am sure that we can handle a “busy” life and even more confident of life’s rewards, growth and success. Let us then be protagonists, fearless and zealous … and may no situation or set of circumstances prevent us from shining brightly.

“When it comes to the future there are three types of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who ask what happened.” – John M. Richardson

So what kind of young Vincentian are we? The decision is in our hands … and NOW is the time to change.

May God be praised!

Consocia Barbara Fragoso
Coordinator of the Youth Commission of the Council of the Metropolitan Area of (Brazil), Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
