Living through the Death of Jesus Christ

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus wears the crown of glory because he died for everyone (Heb 2, 9).  If we share his death, he will have us living with him in glory.

The wicked, true to the plots they were hatching against Jesus, cut him off from the land of the living (Jer 11, 19-20).  But God, in whom Jesus had entrusted his cause, raised him on the third day.  God, moreover, gave Jesus the seat at his right hand.

Indeed, God never forsakes his faithful servants.  So, those who are looking for them will find their tombs empty.  God’s servants are not among the dead but among the living.  And the worse the violence that mars their faces, and the more uncomely their appearance, the higher they rise.  The more successful they get, the greater their exaltation.

But do we truly believe all this?  Or does this seem nonsense to us?   Do we really remember Jesus’ words?  Is it not possible that until now we still have not understood the Scripture that he must rise from the dead?

It is, of course, up to each one of us to answer these questions.  True faith shows, however, in our living in the service of those in need.  Our going about as Jesus, that is to say, going about doing good, bringing good tidings to the poor.  Practicing hospitality, free of greed, happy with what we have (Heb 13, 1. 5), without the yeast of wickedness.

And we really cannot better assure our eternal happiness than by living and dying in the service of the poor (SV.EN III:384).  St. Vincent de Paul further tells us that loving and trusting God, we will always be under God’s protection (CRCM II:2).

Lord Jesus, be mindful of those who, following you, give themselves to the service of others.  Do not let discouraging results or lack of support stop them.  Recalling your suffering, death and rising, may they have a foretaste of living in the glory to come.

21 April 2019
Easter Sunday – Resurrection of the Lord (C)
Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4/1 Cor 5, 6b-8; Jn 20, 1-9/Lk 24, 1-12