Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

by | Mar 26, 2019 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus teaches us that God is surprisingly good.  And he asks us to come to him so that we may taste and see the goodness of God.

The parable of the loving father is an answer to those who do not like Jesus reaching out to sinners.  The parable explains, then, his outreach that is understandable only in the light of God’s goodness.  So, to understand, one must have a taste of such goodness.

God is the loving father in the parable.  He is good beyond human reason.  At the behest of the younger son, who seemingly thinks him to be dead, having no life, he divides up his assets.  The father does not question.  He also respects his son’s freedom.  So, not a few might even say that he spoils his son.

But the father does not worry about his honor, interests, or the way that his sons treat him (J.A. Pagola).  What worries him is his son, wondering if all is well with him.  The lovesick father keeps waiting.  No wonder, then, that as the one without taste for home life comes back, he spots him right away.  From afar.

And he warmly welcomes the lost.  Though the head of the family, he unfittingly runs to his son, hugs and kisses him.  He cuts short his confession, sparing him further humiliation.  He takes him back as a son, and celebrates the return to life of the dead.  Foolish father?

But that is how foolish God is.  And that is why Jesus welcomes us sinners and eats with us.  Our older and more observant, but hard-hearted, brothers are angry.  God, however, does not force them to come in.  God simply waits for them to taste divine goodness.  It is their turn to give the story a happy ending.  Meanwhile, as we share the Lord’s Thanksgiving Supper, eating manna no longer, may we truly taste the goodness of God.

Lord Jesus, you are the visible image of the invisible God, whose distinctive feature is mercy (SV.EN XI:328).  Reconcile us to God and to one other.  May we follow you closely, taste God’s goodness and, become your true image.

31 March 2019
Fourth Sunday of Lent (C)
Jos 5, 9a. 10-12; 2 Cor 5, 17-21; Lk 15, 1-3. 11-32