The Vincentians in Tarahumara (Mexico)

by | Apr 28, 2018 | News

Why are we in Tarahumara?

Motivated by our motto: “I was sent to evangelize the poor,” the Vincentian missionaries responded to the call of the Bishop to collaborate in the Parish of Chinatú, Chih. We arrived at the Diocese on August 17, 1996. Since then 17 missionaries have collaborated in this mission.

What have we found in these lands?

An extensive field of work, 105 communities with an indigenous and mestizo population of around 17,000 inhabitants. These beautiful places, adorned by their impressive pine-covered mountains, by themselves tell us about God and his presence. His people, many of them in extreme poverty, have opened the doors of their hearts to sow in them the Word that saves: Jesus Christ. Many of us have said: Living and being among these people is a gift from God! However, we also find great challenges that make missionary work difficult: great distances, disastrous roads, violence, insecurity, lack of human, communication and economic resources. All this greatly hinders the work of evangelization.

What have we done?

During all this time, each missionary, from our personal abilities, has tried to:

  • Walk together with communities and people, following the pastoral guidelines of the Diocese and from our “being Vincentians.”
  • Accompany the communities in search of a more dignified, more humane life, promoting their values, their capacities and their culture.
  • Share the Word of God and the explicit announcement of Jesus Christ for a better experience of their faith.
  • Offer formation to the laity so that they are also animators of their communities.
  • Reach the most remote communities, which are the most abandoned and the poorest.
  • Support the communities in the construction of their chapel and thus have a dignified space for the celebration of their faith, Christian formation and traditional festivals, which are a strong expression of their cultural~religious unity.
  • Support materially, especially in situations of economic crisis. Some benefactors have supported us with food, clothing, medicines, blankets…

The Pastoral House Project.

At this moment a Pastoral House is being built in one of the communities, where spiritual retreats, formation, meetings, assemblies, workshops, etc. can be offered. It will have capacity for 70 people with bedrooms, dining room, chapel and lounge. This house will be at the service of all the communities of the Parish. The material work is 50% done.

Would you like to support us to finish it?

To carry out these activities the missionaries, we need your spiritual and also economic help. There are many expenses and, although we are aware of the difficult economic situation, we ask you: Would you like to financially support the mission of Chinatú? Thank you very much! May all of us in the Church live our Missionary vocation!

Fr. Benjamín Romo, cm.
Source: “Evangelio y Vida,” comments to the daily Gospel. Mexico.

Tags: Mexico