They’re Arriving! Vincentian Youth Days Begin

by | Jul 23, 2016 | Announcements, News

The Vincentian Youth Days — a celebration before World Youth Day in Krakow — kicked off today.


Since the Rome meeting in 2000, World Youth Day has been accompanied by gatherings of Vincentian youth from all over the world. Our Polish sisters and brothers are thrilled that this time the youth of the Vincentian Family will get together in a country which was so close to Saint Vincent and Saint Louise; in a country, to which the first Vincentian Priests and Daughters of Charity were sent by the holy founders themselves. Since then, despite a number of dramatic historical events, the Vincentian communities have been – incessantly – operating in Poland and living out their charism. And now, the youth have come! Feel the charism! Follow Live on Facebook Famvin Europe!

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