Listen more, speak less

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Formation, Reflections


“Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak.” (James 1, 19)

A group of students of the “San Vicente de Paúl” School of Barbastro, Huesca (Spain), wrote, during the activities organized on the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul, 2015, the following reflection:

Like St. Vincent did, we want to listen to the hungry, the sick, the poor, the refugees, those who feel lonely and marginalized. Many times, we are so burdened with studies and everyday problems, with silly debates… that we forget to listen to them, and to reach out to them when they need it, following the example that St. Vincent gave us.

A deep reflection for children of 10… Now, the Bible says that by the mouths of children, babes in arms, God has made sure of praise (cf. Mt 21, 16). And, what greater praise could be given to God, with our life and our work, than to fulfill His will, as Jesus Christ revealed to us, and to go and proclaim Good News to the poor? (cf. Isaiah 61, 1 ff).

Listen more, speak less… and act more, too!