Now on Social: Get a feed reader for your favorite sites

by | Mar 15, 2016 | Social, Technology: Issues and Uses


Do you have favorite sites you go to regularly to feed your soul or keep you updated? Allison Gingras writes,

Do you remember where you saw that great article on … well anything, really? I can barely remember where I put my shoes most days never mind keeping straight all the great sites I visit on the web (and want to circle back to sometime).

A good way to do this is to install a feedreader on your smartphone. I have one installed called “Feedly” which gives me access through RSS to my favorite Vincentian sites and more. Every morning, you have access to the things that are most important to you. Some readers are even “smart” and will learn from your choices and start feeding you new content. As Allison says,

If you are anything like me, your life is a constant barrage of things to remember…. Hence my great need to find different ways to keep track of all my favorite blogs, bloggers and websites.

Here’s an evaluation from Slant on feed readers. Think about installing one of these to catch up on the lates news — in the Vincentian world and beyond. And don’t forget to include .famvin and vinformation in your RSS list!