The Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida Thouret launch a Campaign to Help Lebanon

by | Aug 28, 2020 | News

Our great solidarity with all the Lebanese people and, in particular, with families who have lost relatives, property and homes… To the economic crisis that these people were already enduring, along with the consequences of the pandemic, this catastrophe is now an added suffering” (Sister Nunzia De Gori, Superior General of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida, Rome, August 7, 2020).

In light of the current situation in Lebanon, we do not want to remain quiet, but we want to work together with the local religious women in order to support, as much possible, the victims of this new emergency.

The Sisters of Charity of Santa Joan Antida Thouret, present for more than 100 years in the Wadi Bou Jmil district, near the port, commit ourselves to helping those most in need at this tragic moment. Along with them, the Thouret Foundation will support the most affected families in the area, distributing food, clothing and basic necessities, and will intervene in repairing homes (cleaning of houses, installation of doors and windows, temporary closing of openings and windows, purchase of small equipment: field ovens, dishes and sanitary equipment).

In addition, the Thouret Foundation will try to contribute to the reconstruction of the destroyed classrooms of Saint Ann’s School, the school of the Sisters of Charity school in the same neighborhood, which has been hit several times by a disaster or a strong explosion, like that of August 4.

Sister Myrna Farah, director of the Saint Ann’s School, will speak with us, in a live broadcast, about the hope and courage of the Sisters, teachers, students and friends who face so many difficulties at this moment but who hope to continue their educational mission  and also hope to be able to heal the many wounds, to rebuild the country again and to create a new dawn.

We hope to see you on Saturday, August 29th, at 15:30 (Rome Time) in the Zoom meeting at the following link:

If you want to help, send your donation to:
Banca Popolare di Sondrio Agenzia 33 Roma
IBAN: IT 45 J 05696 03233 000002190X26
Beirut Emergency

Online donation: