Presentation of the Vincentian Family Council of Latin America (FAVILA)

by | Apr 22, 2019 | News, Vincentian Family

We present the Council of FAVILA, which was appointed in Cochabamba a year ago. For various reasons we have not been able to communicate with you until this moment.

We introduce you to YOUR  team, we are here to serve you, accompany you, encourage you and try to strengthen our beloved Family. We want to become more visible in society as a Family, to show that we are many parts, but of the same body, which is that of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we serve in the person of our impoverished brothers, who unite us with that centrality in Him, from the direct contact with those who need us, from the virtues of humility, simplicity and charity and the specific ones of each of our branches, taught to us by Saint Vincent, Saint Louise, Blessed Frederick, among others.

Seated: Josefina Gómez (from the Dominican Republic, member of AMM, vocal); Leny Guzman (from Bolivia, member of SSVP, treasurer); Sr. Romilda Paludo (Daughter of Charity of Brazil, vocal). Standing: Rafael Cruz (from Brazil, member of JMV, media); Brother Stuardo Marroquin (Congregation of the Mission, of Guatemala, vice-coordinator); Ligia Ferráez Evia (from Mexico, member of AIC, coordinator); Ramón López (from Colombia, member of MISEVI, secretary); Father Flavio Pereira, cm (from Nicaragua, team advisor and international head of the Vincentian Family for Latin America and Africa.

After reflecting, we saw that, in order to facilitate communication, we had to organize Our Great Latin America in the following areas, and to assign responsible to one of the members of FAVILA, being as follows:

  • MEXICO: Ligia Ferráez Evia
  • CARIBBEAN: Josefina Gómez (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico)
  • CENTRAL AMERICA: Br. Stuardo Marroquin, cm (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama)
  • ANDEAN AREA: Ramón López (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru)
  • SOUTHERN CONE: Leny Guzmán (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay)
  • BRAZIL: Sister Romilda Paludo, HC and Rafael Cruz (who will take charge of South and North of the country).

In the near future we will inform you about our more detailed work plan.

May God bless us and St. Vincent, St. Louise and all the Vincentian saints intercede for our impoverished brothers and for all the laity who want to make a better world for all.
