First Meeting of Vocational Promoters of the Congregation of the Mission

by | Nov 20, 2018 | Congregation of the Mission, News

The Congregation of the Mission Moves Tward a Culture of Vocations

As a fruit of the Jubilee Year during which we celebrated the 400th anniversary of the origin of the Vincentian charism, Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM (superior general of the Congregation of the Mission) has placed before the members of this Society of Apostolic Life and the members of the worldwide Vincentian Family the theme of a culture of vocations.

On January 25, 2018, on the occasion of the feast of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission, Father Mavrič, in a letter addressed to all the members of the Congregation, stated: I would like to invite us to unite all our efforts at showing the children, youth, and adults of today, who are caught in this “anti-culture of vocations,” the beauty, attractiveness, and life-giving meaning of responding with a resounding “Yes” to Jesus’ call! I call us to demonstrate to the children, youth and adults that it is normal to respond affirmatively, with a loud “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation and not abnormal. We must strive together for a renewed culture of vocations.

In the context of a year marked by the XV Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, whose theme was “young people, faith and vocational discernment,” the International Formation Center (with headquarters at the Motherhouse in Paris), with the support of the Office of Communication of the Congregation of the Mission, has organized the first gathering of those individuals responsible for vocational promotion within the Congregation.

Father Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, a member of the team that organized this meeting, stated: The proposed theme of this gathering is to be viewed from the hermeneutic of the culture of vocations, a theme that the Church has been reflecting upon for some decades. Today, in the context of the recently concluded Synod, our Congregation renews its commitment to accompany young men and women during the time of their process of vocational discernment … and views this accompaniment as a service that is part of the New Evangelization. From this perspective and during a time frame of two weeks, we will develop this theme.

During this encounter various themes will be developed: the present situation of youth as analyzed during the recent Synod, principles of the culture of vocations and others. These themes will be developed by various presenters, including Father Amadeo Cencini, a distinguished specialist in vocational promotion, priestly formation and consecrated life.

The Congregation of the Mission is composed of more than three thousand missionaries ministering on five continents. This gathering will include at least one member from the 39 provinces, 8 vice-provinces, 4 regions and 9 international missions.

This gathering will take place at the Motherhouse of the Congregation (the place where the remains of the saint of charity, Vincent de Paul, are located) and will be inaugurated by the Superior General on November 19th … it will conclude on December 1st.

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM, Eastern Province, USA
