New Deadline for SSVP Literary Contest on Lallier

by | Jul 28, 2018 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

New deadline for submissions to the 2018 International Literary Contest “The First Conference”

In order to allow more time and receive more contributions from participants, the International General Council (CGI) of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul decided to extend the deadline for the submission of writings to its International Literary Contest “The First Conference,” which in 2018 is about the life, work and legacy of SSVP co-founder François Lallier.

The new deadline is August 30. The winner of the contest will be announced on September 8, when the board of the General Council will be in Paris for its quarterly meeting. The result will be posted on the CGI website.

The “International Thematic Year of François Lallier” was announced by the 16th International President General, Brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, on his official letter of January 31, 2018. One of the most concrete actions to celebrate this initiative is the international writing contest.

The texts submitted to the contest should not exceed 20 pages and may be in one of the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French.

“We’ve asked the Superior Councils to help the CGI advertise this contest among the Conferences and Councils in each country and among the Vincentian schools and Catholic universities,” added Renato Lima de Oliveira.

See below the rules of the contest.
ANG Year of Lallier Terms and Conditions
ANG Annex-Year of Lallier 2018

