Now on Social: It’s About Marketing

by | Jun 20, 2017 | Social

Good marketing theory and practice can aid your social media strategy. In “Nonprofit Marketing in 2017: Challenges, Strategies, and Examples,” Ann Gynn lays it out for us.

marketing and mission

Nonprofits start with a critical ingredient that many B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) marketers don’t have: a mission, a reason for existing that doesn’t boil down to “sell something.”


Having a purpose provides the necessary foundation for great storytelling – a strong seed to grow an effective content marketing program.


Yet, many nonprofits lack a couple things most B2B and B2C marketers do have to make content marketing a success: staffing and budget.


But even with these challenges, nonprofit content marketing success – even on a smaller scale – is possible. By taking just a few deliberate steps, nonprofits can create and nurture a content marketing plan that will live vibrantly for years, furthering the nonprofit’s purpose and working to grow a stronger community.

Gynn surveys the nonprofit marketing landscape, explains how to overcome obstacles, and how to be.. and stay… INSPIRED. A good read at the Content Marketing Institute.