Vincentian Family Meeting in El Salvador

by | Jan 2, 2017 | News, Vincentian Family

From very early on, on a fresh morning that the Lord granted, from all parts of El Salvador the Vincentians began to arrive for the national meeting. As it should be, and to give example, the members of the board of FAVISAL, and the young people of VMY of San Salvador, were there at seven o’clock in the morning at the meeting place, welcoming the brothers and sisters who were arriving. The appointment was given to us at the “Hogar Del Niño” School in San Jacinto, San Salvador.

Along with the inscription, each person received a tasty and warm coffee with its respective sweet bread. It was so conforting that no one worried about the Eucharistic fast, although immediately afterwards we celebrated Holy Mass: it was necessary after hours of travelling.

I do not know whether to maintain continuity or because we are faithful to tradition, the master of ceremony was the same as last year; also was the choir, the songs, the celebrant priest… in short: it is the same family that meets every year (only the place changed, but only by a few meters).

When our cell phones marked 8:45 am (because wristwatches have lost popularity) the master of ceremony began calling everyone to occupy the seats, to start with the agenda of the day. Already seated, we hear the solemn formal greeting from the President, Rosa María Araujo; she greeted everyone and did not forget those who from the distance were with us, especially the superiors of our Vincentian family.

The Eucharist, presided by Fr. Francisco Ramos and with the participation of the different branches of FAVISAL, was held in the same room where we met. In his homily, Fr. Ramos said that day readings were not coincidental: they are in communion with the Vincentian charism, the sensitivity of the poor and the denunciation of the misuse of wealth. With this he made an invitation to every FAVISAL member to serve with love in our works, remembering us what so many Saints and Fathers of the Church have taught: at the end of life we will be examined about love.

We had a break at 10:20 to continue greeting us and sharing hugs for the joy of being together again. It was a moment also to enjoy a delicious snack. At 10:50 we were called to return to the places for the lesson.

At 11:00, Julio Castellanos talked us about “400 years of the Vincentian Family.” It consisted of sharing in a brief biography of St. Vincent de Paul, until the founding of the Confraternities of Charity, today AIC (International Association of Charities) on January 25, 1617. Then, a reflection of Fr. Ramos on judging. The intervention ended with a proposal that a book could be made with songs to St. Vincent de Paul so that we may know more about the Vincentian family.

At 11:55 we began to form groups for dioceses of El Salvador, to prepare the celebration of the 400 years of the Vincentian Family. There were not many commitments, however, the seed was sown to celebrate properly the 400 years of our charism and win the jubilee granted to the children of St. Vincent and St. Louise de Marillac.

After 12 noon, the VMY presented the Vincentian saints with a theater work; at 1:00 pm this pious and gracious presentation —where each saint of Vincentian spoke in first person having Pope Francis as moderator— ended. There is no doubt that they managed to be creative and sympathetic.

The council of FAVISAL, in the person of Blanquita, gave a parting words and a small present to Fr. Ramos, who has received the missionary destiny to go to Guatemala. We dismissed the vice president who in recent years has served and encouraged the different branches. We wish him the best in serving the poor in his new mission.

We finished our meeting with a tasty lunch at 13 hours with 5 minutes. And as we finished eating, we were slowly leaving and taking the path to continue our activities in each of our places in favor of Christ the evangelizer of the poor.
