One Year Ago: Vincentian Youth Meeting in Felgueiras (Portugal)

by | Jul 30, 2024 | News | 0 comments

One year ago, the International Meeting of Vincentian Youth took place in Felgueiras. We hope that you will keep the call to the Vincentian charism alive, and have courage to follow God wherever He may be. We thank all the participants and representatives of the Vincentian branches for having the courage to travel to the north of Portugal a year ago. We thank all the people and volunteers who helped make this meeting happen with commitment and dedication to host it in the best possible way. We thank Felgueiras City Council, our great partner in this adventure. We thank God because it was only possible thanks to Him.

We leave you with a short video to remember those days:

Organizing Committee of the International Vincentian Youth Encounter 2023



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