Visit of Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, to the Vincentian Family of Angola

by | Dec 1, 2023 | News

Father Tomaz arrived in Luanda, the Angolan capital, on September 2nd and was received at the international airport by the Daughters of Charity, Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM), VMY, and members of the Vincentian Family. After the reception, he went to the house of the sisters (Daughters of Charity) where he had a fraternal lunch, rested, and celebrated the Eucharist in the community with the sisters, the Vincentian Fathers, postulants, and aspirants. Then he visited the Nunciature of Angola.

On September 3rd, continuing his agenda, he travelled to another province of Angola, Malanje, where the Vincentian Fathers reside. In this Province, he was welcomed by the local community, the faithful, and other branches of the Vincentian family of that Province. Also in this province, the Director-General celebrated Mass with the entire Vincentian Family and the local community, kept in touch with some of the needy, and joined the local community for a fraternal lunch.

On Wednesday, September 4th, he left the province of Malange and went to the province of Kwanza Sul, more precisely to the municipality of Balombo, where he was welcomed with great emotion by the population and the entire Vincentian family and, in the afternoon, he went to the province of Benguela, where he was welcomed by the population and the entire local Vincentian family.

On Thursday, September 5th, he celebrated Mass with the entire Vincentian Family of the AMM and VMY, which was very moving and full of life, characteristic of the African people.

He then left for Lobito, another community of Vincentian Sisters, where he was greeted with a song of welcome by the community of Vincentian Sisters, visited the works of MISEVI, the school and the youth center called Odjango Yapongololi, which means “change”. He then celebrated a Eucharist in the community with the postulants and aspirants. The next day, he visited the works of the Vincentian Sisters at home. He also visited the home, the health center, and the school, where he was greeted with songs and dances, very enthusiastic about the services that the sisters and the MISEVI provide, very attentive and grateful for the dedication of the sisters and the MISEVI.

At the end, there was a Eucharist with all branches of the Vincentian Family, namely: AMM, SSVP, VMY and school teachers, where Father Tomaz spoke of the worldwide presence of the Vincentian Family and encouraged the participants to continue with the mission of Saint Vincent de Paul in Angola. After a fraternal lunch with the leaders of the various members of the Vincentian family, he left for Catumbela Airport for Luanda, accompanied by Father Artivo, Provincial of the Vincentian Fathers of Mozambique.

In Luanda, on Sunday, September 9th, at 9:30 am, in the Parish of the Holy Family, the Director-General celebrated the Eucharist, prepared and animated by the entire Branch of the Vincentian Family. In the Eucharist, Father Tomaz Mavric appealed to the different branches of the Vincentian Family, the unity of the Vincentian Family in the continuity of the work of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac in Angola and explained the importance of walking together for the benefit of the most needy.

After the Mass, a few photo shoots were made with the whole Branch.

The Father was then joined by the national presidents, provincial presidents and heads of each branch, the priests of another religious order of that parish and the entire Vincentian community for a fraternal lunch.

After lunch followed the moment of recreation, where the branches made some presentations, such as: theatre, poetry, and game (VMY), animation songs (SSVP), and dance dynamics. At this moment, the Director-General, infected by the joy and dance of his children, joined the circle, singing and dancing with the community.

After this moment, the Director-General met with the National President of the VMY, SSVP, General Councillor of the Vincentian Family in Angola, Fr. Jorge, head of the House of the Daughters of Charity in Luanda, Provincial Advisor of the VMY, heads of the AMM, where the Director-General expressed the desire to create a National Secretariat with representation of each branch of the Vincentian Family, training projects, and material need for support. Having enthusiastically received what was expressed to him, he considered as a secondary plan and recommended as a primary plan the unification of the Branch of the Family, that National and Provincial Councils of the Vincentian Family be constituted, programs and meetings, and as soon as created, to share them with the International Secretariat and the Coordinator of the Branches of the Vincentian Family. Subsequently, the Director-General also recommended the need to extend the Project of 13 Houses in Angola.

After this meeting with the leaders of each branch, the National President of the VMY proceeded with a brief history of the progress of the group in the Region and its challenges, presented to the Director-General the New Provincial Council of the capital of Angola, and he (Director-General) blessed each member of the Council and encouraged them to follow this mission, serving Jesus Christ in the person of the poor. After this act, the branches toasted the Director-General with some gifts…

We thank him for his simplicity, his knowledge, and his interest in the mission, a man of prayer and of God. We hope that this visit will be an impetus to follow with enthusiasm and joy the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us as Vincentians, following the legacy of Vincent de Paul.

Sr. Eduarda Nassapalo, DC
National Sister Advisor of VMY Angola
