Engage in a Synodal Process with the Entire Vincentian Family

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Famvin 2024, News, Vincentian Family

During the last couple of years, Pope Francis has invited the Church to continue its process of renewal through a synodal process. His hope is that the voice of all God’s people will be heard as we discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us in our discipleship of Jesus.

The Vincentian Family Executive Board is convening a Convocation of the Vincentian Family in Rome in November 2024. We hope to use this gathering as a moment for discerning the signs of the times for us as a Vincentian Family. This is our time to ask what must be done today? Where is the Holy Spirit leading us as we continue to follow Jesus, in the service of our sisters and brothers who are most in need?

In order to do this well, we also wish to engage in a synodal process with the entire Vincentian Family. We are asking for your assistance in having this process reach as broad a base as possible.


Instructions – Vincentian Family Synodal Consultation

We prefer that members of the Family respond as groups, taking this opportunity to dialogue about our shared Charism.

You may respond in two ways:

1 – using the Google Forms link:

English: https://famv.in/Form-EN

Español: https://famv.in/Form-ES

Français: https://famv.in/Form-FR

Português: https://famv.in/Form-PT

Italiano: https://famv.in/Form-IT

Polski: https://famv.in/Form-PL

Deutsch: https://famv.in/Form-DE

2 – through email. Please email your responses to: vfsynodalprocess@gmail.com Please include in your email the following information: Name, Group / Branch Responding, and Country

Some general thoughts regarding the process:

a. You can meet in person or by Zoom, depending on circumstances. b. Please choose dates and times that are convenient for most people in your group. You can have a larger group subdivided into smaller ones, each submitting their own responses if you choose. c. Please seek competent people to lead these dialogues objectively (without imposing their own agenda on a group!). d. Please seek competent secretaries who can take concise summaries of the discussions to report back to the Preparatory Committee.

We will ask that the synodal processes be completed and returned to the Vincentian Family Office by 24 November 2023.


Thank you for working with us on such an exciting moment for our Family. We pray that the Holy Spirit will truly inspire and guide our efforts so that we may freely respond to the cries of the poor with the compassionate heart of Jesus.

Blessings and peace.

Joseph Agostino, CM
Tayde de Callatay
Denise el-Khoury
Barbara Flad, SC
Émile Ghali, CM
Victoria Santangelo
John Era Vinuya, CM
Andrew Wagdy Farag Ghaly
