Memorial of Blessed Lindalva Justo, Daughter of Charity (Video)

by | Jan 7, 2022 | Formation

This video was streamed live on Apr 9, 2021, by the Sanctuary of Saint Dulce of the Poor. It is a Votive Mass of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, transmitted directly from the martyrdom chapel located at the Dom Pedro II Shelter in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Even if you don’t understand Portuguese, you can see and appreciate the love and devotion to Blessed Lindalva! You can skim through the video by clicking on the progress bar to jump to different parts: the celebration of the Mass, the music and singing, the Daughters of Charity in praise and thanksgiving… the Spirit among those who were gathered there.

Source: YouTube/Santuário Santa Dulce dos Pobres

After Mass, Father Giovanni passed the microphone to a Daughter of Charity who spoke about Blessed Lindalva— below is a translation of a portion of it:

“…a celebration like this moves hearts; it leaves us very moved for sure— not only me, but all of us who are present here and everyone who is watching us through social networks… believe that this was and is a very great moment of Grace.

…the blood of the martyrs leaves us in the same joy of encountering the Risen One, as our Father Giovanni said. We have to go through the journey of the Cross through the journey of the life of martyrdom so that we can reach the resurrection of Christ.

On Good Friday, April 9, 1993, on that same journey, Blessed Lindalva took the path to the Cross… she carried her concerns, her difficulties, her questions, her mission— the mission of a servant, and a servant of God…

And Blessed Lindalva, yes, she questioned herself, she prayed, she placed herself next to the Cross of Jesus and asked, is this the path that I should follow? And but with the grace of God, the blessing of God, and the strength of the divine Holy Spirit, the presence of the risen Christ in the life of Blessed Lindalva… she never gave up on the path to follow: “I want the path of the cross.” As Christ himself was led to the path of the Cross, so was Blessed Lindalva.”



As a Daughter of Charity, Sister Lindalva was sent to the Dom Pedro II Shelter to work at a home for the elderly. During this period Sister Lindalva was always attentive, charismatic, always concerning herself with the corporal as well as spiritual aspects of the elderly, leading them to confess, to receive communion, and praying with them.

She was killed by one of the residents of the shelter who harbored hatred and vengeance against her which developed into a murderous plan.


Prayer – Blessed Lindalva

O God, who instilled in the heart of Sister Lindalva
the flame of charity and fidelity calling together
to the most abandoned, grant us the grace that
we ask for (…) so that she will soon be recognized
officially among the saints in heaven.
She gained, on Good Friday,
the crown of martyrdom.
Her death is that of the just and the innocent like that of Christ.
At the time of her slaughter, painful but fruitful,
she was serving like the Master who said:
“I came not to be served, but to serve.”
grant us, Lord, through the intercession of
Blessed Lindalva, new and holy vocations
for the service of Christ in the Poor. This we ask of you,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.

Source: English translation based on a prayer found on

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