
The Joy of Mission from the Perspective of the Vincentian Family

I am a student for the Congregation of the Mission (Province of Brazil) and am a participant in this marvelous reality that is being promoted by the International Office of the Vincentian Family and FAVILA: the Vincentian Confraternities.

Living Into Collaboration – A Vincentian Laudato Si’ Point of View, Part 2

In Part 2, I ask us to reflect on how practicing contemplative awareness, attitude and intention and comprehensive compassion are important aspects of Vincentian-Setonian collaboration.

What Is Truth?

Pilate’s somewhat cynical question is among the most famous questions of history. In a somewhat prophetic message for World Communications Day 2020 Pope Francis offered what amounts to a “mindwalk” on truth.

An American Vincentian Reflections on the USA Election

It may come as a surprise to some that the result of the Presidential election showed that the Catholic vote was almost evenly divided between Donald Trump and Joseph Biden.

A Vincentian View: “Our” Kids

A Vincentian View: “Our” Kids

Vincentian View: “Our Kids” Founder’s Week (September 20-27) at St. John’s University celebrates St. Vincent de Paul whose spirit rests at the heart of our University.  This year, the theme for our remembrance was “Vincentian Education:  Illuminating minds, creating...