
AUSCP Annual Meeting 2024

The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests had its annual gathering June 24-27 in Lexington, Kentucky.

A Vincentian View: Who Do You Say That I Am

Jesus gathers his disciples and asks them an important question “Who do people say that I am?” 

United With or Against Our Enemies?

On 9/11 we immediately think of the pain and suffering, the injustice of the attacks. This leads to a defensive stance united against our enemies.

Contemplation: Whose Coat Is It Anyway?

This post originally appeared on Catholic Social Doctrine teaches us the principle of the universal destination of goods, under which we recognize that all things come from God, and are meant for all of His beloved. Nowhere should the demands of this...
Justice for the Poor and Defenseless

Justice for the Poor and Defenseless

Jesus guarantees absolutely that God will secure justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him with steadfast faith. We know from Jesus’ example and teaching that God’s chosen ones are the poor.  Christ, the Anointed with the Spirit, makes clear that his mission is...

God Who is Rich in Mercy

God Who is Rich in Mercy

The second encyclical of Pope John Paul II was Dives in Misericordia (The Mercy of God, November 30, 1980). In this encyclical he speaks elaborately on God’s mercy, as revealed in the Bible. This is a reflection in the light of this encyclical. The core of divine...