
Modeling Virtue

One of the occupational hazards of people who study religion and theology is to equate ideas with the force behind them.

Are All Really Welcome?

We are many decades into the phenomenon of shopping for “gated communities” of like-minded people. So many do not experience that they are welcome.

Ambitions that Are Selfish and Unfettered

Christ on the cross is the last of all and the servant of all.  He puts to shame all those with ambitions to be the first and the greatest.  Like most of us, the disciples of Jesus, for sure, have their ambitions.  After all, they, too, have the right to be better....

Firewood for the Soul: A Spirit of Solidarity

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Taking In (Nehemiah 8; I Corinthians 12; Luke 4: 18-21)

Prayer and Management

Prayer and Management (Luke 6:12-19) In this section of Luke, we find Jesus continuing a ministry that’s spreading out further into the society, and in the process selecting 12 people from the group around him to be his “apostles”, i.e., the sent-out ones. You might...

Lover of Sinners and Outcast

Justice for the Poor and Defenseless

Jesus guarantees absolutely that God will secure justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him with steadfast faith. We know from Jesus’ example and teaching that God’s chosen ones are the poor.  Christ, the Anointed with the Spirit, makes clear that his mission is...