
June 20: Children of Mary Association (now the Vincentian Marian Youth Movement)

A brief history, a video, and a theme from their Book of Prayers: “Your life matters to me.”

Father’s Day and the Fatherhood of God

It’s common for people to perceive God is like the fatherly figures in their lives. I experienced my father as loving.

A Canadian View: Black Lives Do Matter

The recent murder of George Floyd has resulted in a nationwide and even worldwide response to racial prejudice.

Now, More Than Ever, Housing Is Health Care

Homelessness is “a pre-existing condition” for the vulnerable homeless population. This insight … even if not surprising… raises a challenging question.

Church treasure recovered!

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 27, 2014 – 1 Kgs 3, 5. 7-12; Rom 8, 28-30; Mt 13, 44-52 To be conformed to the image of his Son (Rom 8, 29) The wisest and most intelligent thing we can do is to seek the kingdom of God. That is because this kingdom...

More caught than taught

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 20, 2014 – Wis 12, 13. 16-19; Rom 8, 26-27; Mt 13, 24-43 The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness (Rom 8, 26) The perfection of God is the source of his disinterested generosity, his lenient patience and his sharp vision....

External seminary

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 13, 2014 – Is 55, 10-11; Rom 8, 18-23; Mt 13, 1-23 As we wait for redemption (Rom 8, 23) Jesus is the divine Word. Attuned to him and remaining in him, we will bear much fruit. God spoke through the prophets. He now speaks...