
Synodality: A Call to Joy and to the Renewal of the Church in its Mission

This training reflection is a summary of the key ideas of the final document of the Synod on Synodality 2021-2024. This synod, a process of listening and dialogue initiated by Pope Francis, aimed to reflect deeply on how the life of the Church should be today.

Places of Frederic Ozanam 2 – Lyon

Lyon was the city that Ozanam would always call home. He was raised there from the age of 3-1/2 years until he left to study Law in Paris.

“Conversations with Confreres” Video

Fr. Dan Thiess, C.M., has spent most of his time in ministry working directly with the poor. In this video, he talks about how he came to choose the path of a Vincentian priest and about how Jesus is present in the poor.

Letter To St. Vincent de Paul (video)

A video from the Congregation of the Mission Communication Office.