
A Wide-angle View – Vocations To the Charism

Fr. Mavric invites every member of the Vincentian Family to take one very concrete step; that is, every member is to bring one new candidate to one of the branches of the Vincentian Family.

Has a Cell Phone Become a Basic Need?

Has the cell phone become a basis need for us… and those experiencing homelessness?

VLM/VMC Impact: The Decision to Be Vincentian at My Job and in My Life

I was sure that I was not coming to Chepnyal to cause harm in anyway, therefore the promise of coming in peace and leaving in peace appeared easy.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 18: Recognize Myself as Fragile and Dependent

There is no doubt that there is a need to recognize ourselves as fragile and dependent…

Thanks for Listening

Thanks for Listening

“Thanks for Listening” writes Pat Griffin in his series on Considering Consecrated Life Brandon Stanton is a young, New York Times’ bestselling author with three books in print. He draws over 15 million followers on Facebook. His ambition, he says, is to take...

Driven to distraction

Driven to distraction

In his weekly Servant Leader in the Frédéric's E-Gazette November 12, 2015 SVDP CEO reflects on drivers driven to distraction, our spirituality and our mission. He writes... On three separate occasions last week my car was nearly hit by someone running a red light or...

Handling joys and griefs

Handling joys and griefs

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), November 15, 2015 – Dan 12, 1-3; Heb 10, 11-14. 18; Mk 13, 24-32 He took his seat at the right hand of God (Heb 10, 12) Jesus is our hope. In difficult, painful and failed times, we are tempted to despair even of humanity’s...

Partners with God – The Trinity is Life

Partners with God – The Trinity is Life

Partners with God – Jesus on our Team – Guiding Light of the Holy Spirit - The Trinity is Life Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast Tuesday November 10, 2015 Dear Vincentian Family:  Have a great week.  Open your eyes to see the goodness around you.  Look at others with...