
Acts of the Apostles, Systemic Change and Polarization

Over the next several weeks the liturgy, drawing from the Acts of the Apostles, presents selected stories of ordinary people who coped with severe polarization some 2,000 years ago.

Women in Decision-Making: Faith Perspective

The roles of women and girls cannot be over-emphasized. Women CAN and DO make tremendous difference in the Society when given the opportunity.

Joyful to See the Lord in Their Midst

The risen Christ stands in the midst of his disciples and wishes them peace.  He shows them his hands and his side.  And they turn joyful. The disciples are not at all joyful after the death of Jesus.  They are even broken and hopeless. For not only do they miss their...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent IV

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “Saint Paul tells you how much you lose when the first thoughts of your mind are filled with anything other than God.”

November 23: Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M.

November 23: Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M.

November 23 marks the death (in 1933) of Fr. Thomas Augustine Judge C.M. of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission. Father Judge believed in the capacity of ordinary men and women to love and serve God in the ordinary circumstances of their lives.

From Value to Virtue: Humility

From Value to Virtue: Humility

To say #IamVincent means to live a life of virtue. Actually, it means to live a life of five essential virtues. The second is Humility: the virtue of nearness. In view of our desire to promote love and respect toward the poor, the Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de...

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: “Remembering” “God gave us memories so that we could have roses in December.” (J. M. Barrie) That line still sticks in my mind from high school because it flows out of my sentimental heart.  It reminds me of the importance of memories and their...

King Unlike All Other Kings Undoubtedly

King Unlike All Other Kings Undoubtedly

Jesus is King!  How do we react to this proclamation? As an assembly, the elders of the people, the chief priests and the scribes bring Jesus before Pilate.  After hearing the charges, the Roman prefect asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews.  Jesus answers him,...