
A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Canada’s social justice committee has been tasked with developing material and recommendations related to the issue of systemic racism.

Know Someone Facing Eviction?

Make sure you are educated in your rights and stay vigilant. Many landlords do not expect their tenants to understand eviction proceedings and try to take advantage of them.

Sustainable Development Goals, 5 and 6

SDG5: GENDER EQUALITY In one of their songs, the Eagles rock group sings “things in this life change very slowly if they ever change at all.” The lament of many a social activist! To be fair, one exception would be gay marriage rights, which seem to have come more...

Living “As If”(Acts 4: Jn 20)  

Where are the assurances that these claims about Jesus rising to new life have any substance?

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Coming Soon for Us to Watch, Now Showing

The Son of Man comes and he does not want his coming to catch us unprepared. We do not know when our Lord is coming.  That is why we have to be continually watchful and always prepared. Yes, Jesus wants us to focus on his coming.  Of course, this would be hard for us...

Neighbors on the Border

Neighbors on the Border

I have heard the story of the Good Samaritan countless times: I remember reading it in my Children’s bible with illustrated pictures, seeing the parable come to life in skits and reenactments during retreats, and hearing homilies on the many messages contained in this...