
Sustainable Development Goals, 11 and 12

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

A Vincentian View: Our Daily Bread

Remember the Exodus instructions to the people Israel in the desert?  Each morning, they may collect only enough “manna” to feed them for the day (Exod 16:4-15). 

Is the Church a Closet?

Is the Church like a closet where we wistfully keep things from the past, a dreary chamber filled only with us, our problems and our disappointments? Then it will be impossible to recognize God’s silent and unassuming presence.

Patient and Lowly as Jesus and Farmers

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  He wants us to catch his meekness and lowliness.  Needless to say, the meek and lowly are patient, too, and they put their trust in God. Jesus is a good and patient Teacher.  And “teacher” is the title he receives more than any...
Thirst and Hunger for God, Justice and Love

Thirst and Hunger for God, Justice and Love

Meeting his thirst and hunger, Jesus gives us a model to follow, so that we may truly have our fill of water and food. Like us humans, Jesus gets tired and experiences thirst and hunger.  So, he sits down there at Jacob’s well in Sychar during the hottest part of the...

Pardon Your Servant

Pardon Your Servant

“Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else,” (Exodus 4:13). Moses’s words at the burning bush have always resonated with me, in younger years before I appreciated the audacity of his request, I was struck by his humility and humanity. Moreover, I was...

It’s About Love

It’s About Love

William (Bill) Graham from Peel-North Toronto Ontario Regional Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers his reflection, It's About Love: As Vincentians we can, and in most cases, do great things, help so many people and sometimes change lives. We are so...