
Daughters of Charity in Spain Respond to the Suffering of Ukrainians

The Daughters, together with other individuals and institutions, have spared no effort to continue to respond to the current calls of our suffering brothers and sisters.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Spain is Helping the Ukrainian Refugees

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to an intense movement of millions of refugees fleeing their country to safer destinations. Faced with the need to assist both the refugees in Poland and those wishing to move to Spain, the Council of Bilbao of the Society of...

Images of Hope: Boldly Telling the Truth

Standing up for the truth can cost a lot, even one’s life. We Christians have countless examples of this, not only from the time of the early Christians, but today as well.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Statement for Just-Peace

We, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people who are being oppressed by a war initiated by Russia and condemn the aggression as an injustice.