
The Eucharist in Vincentian Tradition

“The Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition – Love is Creative unto Infinity”

AIC – Founded by St. Vincent and flourishing today

A rich 400 year history summarized in key dates… How many of these dates can you identify?

A new face for FamVin! Fr. Aidan Rooney

Father Aidan Rooney, CM has been asked by the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission to further develop and implement the approved strategic plan and to succeed me as the coordinator of the FamVin Project.

Superior General – more details on Vincentian Year of Collaboration

(Unfortunately, there are some versions in circulation with errors. To the best of our knowledge, this version and the links are correct both below and in the PDF version YVC Letter 2015-03-16 ENG. See below for corrected versions in other languages.) Rome, March 16,...
Happy! Daughters of Charity

Happy! Daughters of Charity

Happy? This video certainly brought a smile to my face, and joy in my heart. Happy? That's what you are when you are following your calling -- when you are living your vocation. Want to know more about why they smile and dance? Visit the Daughters of Charity Vocation...

SVDP leadership at a glance!

SVDP leadership at a glance!

The International Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) leadership is holding its annual meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. SVdPUSA National President Sheila Gilbert and CEO Dave Barringer are attending to represent the U.S. Society. The meeting offers an opportunity to...

Lessons from “Call the Midwife”

Lessons from “Call the Midwife”

The real story of the "sisters" of  "Call the Midwife" ... and how it echoes the life and works of the founders of the various branches of the Vincentian Family "The police were everywhere and never walked the streets alone yet the midwives could travel through the...