
Vincentian Prayer Images: Asking Vincent About Patience

I wish I could be more patient and kind! Is this something you would hear Vincent talk about?

A Canadian View: An Indigenous Vision for All – Crazy Horse

I’m sure many of us have heard of the great Sioux warrior, Crazy Horse who took part in the infamous Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876 where Gen. Custer was defeated and killed. I’d like to tell you more about Crazy Horse.

Novel But Realistic Approach To Homelessness

Imagine that! Asking people who had personal experience of what the problem was and what might be the solution.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 17: To Journey and Overcome Obstacles

The pandemic has greatly changed our lives as a family. We have become separated because of medical reasons.

Reading the Signs: Dark or Light?

Reading the Signs: Dark or Light?

In this reflection, written for a celebration of the feast of the Epiphany Fr. Tom McKenna offers thoughts on how do I understand this particular story -- how am I reading the signs -- that is so outside my usual way of looking at the world? You could look on this...

Mercy: The best of who we are

Mercy: The best of who we are

Mercy: The best of who we are - by Tracy Kemme What an opportunity Pope Francis has given us in the Year of Mercy! It feels like something beautiful is dawning. It is a chance to rediscover and put forth the best of who we are. A few weeks ago, I went to an Advent...

Take courage

Take courage

In Take courage Sr. Janet Gildea, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, shares her ongoing journey through chemotherapy. I received my fifth chemo yesterday, sleeping through most of the six hour infusion while listening to “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as...

New undoubtedly and completely

New undoubtedly and completely

Changing water into wine, Jesus is manifested as the Author and Perfecter of the new thing prophesied in Is 43, 19: “See, I am doing something new.” Jesus makes use of “six stone water jars … for Jewish ceremonial washings.” Could this be another way of saying that he...