
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 22: United Despite the Distance that Separates Us

We have been very close as a family despite the distance between our homes.

A Vincentian View: Patrimony of the Poor

Two readings that regularly show up towards the end of the liturgical year capture my imagination.

Forgotten Truths About Mary the Mother of God

Viewing Mary not just in that one marvelous moment of the Annunciation but in the context of a lifetime of discipleship.

Watch, Stay Awake, for Jesus Is Coming

Jesus is coming, but we do not know when.  So, we have to watch. It seems odd that we are to look to the end at the beginning of the liturgical year.  For we are urged to watch and wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.  He will come, yes, but we do not know...
Vincentian Freedom to Serve

Vincentian Freedom to Serve

Vincentian Freedom to Serve - Vincentians Seek Our Lord – The Power of Touch – Lasting Joy Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Vincentian Freedom to Serve – Total Freedom lies in the ability to align one’s actions freely with the truth, so as to...

The Saints as Bibliography

The Saints as Bibliography

The Saints as Bibliography      Acts 4:8 There’s a writer who characterizes the lives of the saints as “bibliographic entries onto the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.” A bibliography: a series of additions to the one story; i.e., variations on how Jesus’ story plays...