
Vincentian Prayer Images: Bags Full of Knowledge

How do those who are poor “send us back to our poverty”?

Prayer on the Peripheries

Since the appearance of COVID-19 in our midst, the manner in which we reach out to people, the manner in which we communicate with one another has changed in dramatic ways.

A Vincentian Response to Climate Change

Since the publication of Laudato Si in May 2015, several faith-based groups have initiated projects intended to support work in ecological conservation, environmental activism, and advocacy for climate justice. 

Create a Compassionate, Fairer and Interconnected World

As part of the Vincentian Family advocacy and education at the UN, we are hosting a webinar event on Tuesday, February 9 at 1:15-2:30 pm ET and invite your participation.

Unchain The Word Through Memory

Unchain The Word Through Memory

Unchaining The Word Through Memory One short sentence in Paul’s letter to Timothy (2 Tim 2: 10) caught my attention right off, “The word of God is not chained.” Paul himself is in chains, and it’s the contrast here that’s striking him. The Word of God is the opposite...

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Guest Asking for Justice and Love

The Son of the most holy God becomes flesh and stays at our house as a guest who saves.  He wants us to repent. Jesus teaches that it will be difficult for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God.  The Pharisees, for their part, consider tax collectors sinners that...

A Vincentian View: Human Stories

A Vincentian View: Human Stories

  A Vincentian View: “Human Stories” This past Saturday at St. John’s University, we launched the first of our ongoing series on interfaith dialogue.  In collaboration with the Diocese of Brooklyn, the Vincentian Center at SJU will attempt to put together a whole day...