
A Polarized Church both Then and Now

Growing up, I was fascinated by fading pictures meticulously glued into some decades-old family albums. There I saw pictures of my mother and father before I was born.

A Vincentian View: The Good Shepherd

In the 23rd Psalm, the psalmist proclaims, “My shepherd is the Lord.”  I imagine that when Jesus prayed these words, he found a depiction of himself.

Mother Theresa and her “call within a call”

In 1946, during a train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling, Mother Teresa received what she called, “the call within a call.” The Lord asked her to begin a new religious community that would live and work with the poorest of the poor.

Contemplation: Chosen From All Eternity – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on Virtue, our catechism teaches, is a “habitual and firm disposition to do good.” [CCC: 1833] The good deeds themselves are not the virtue; they are, or should be, the fruits of our virtue. From our virtue of charity comes...
Metanoia #IAmVincent

Metanoia #IAmVincent

Metanoia: a transformative change of heart; especially : a spiritual conversion By: Ms. Cristine B. Amontos It all started at the St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST) last 2010 when I took Masters in Pastoral Ministry. I was introduced to a new way of doing theology...

A Vincentian View: Filled with Compassion

The Head of John the Baptist

A Vincentian View “The Head of John the Baptist” Think about it.  You are dealing with a very powerful and immensely rich person who has promised you anything which you want—even to half of all he possesses—and all you can think of is that what you really want is the...

On Being a Christian

On Being a Christian

It is said that Alexander the Great— one of the greatest military figures in history, who conquered practically the entire known world in his day— one night, during a campaign, could not sleep, so he left his tent for a walk through the fields. While strolling he...

Doing the Next Right Thing

Doing the Next Right Thing

Vincent did so much by doing the next right thing. J. Patrick Murphy writes in Mr. Vincent... Historians describe the climate during Vincent's lifetime as the little ice age. Half the crops failed; starvation was rampant; the number of poor increased exponentially....

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