
Is “OUR Father” a Challenging Prayer?

Is “Our Father” a Challenging Prayer? It was for the early Church. Pope Francis thinks it is a challenge for today. Let’s listen to voices we don’t normally listen to.

Why Does She Stay?

“Why does she stay?” It’s a simple question. The answer is not. Bottom line… If a victim must choose between abuse in their home or the high risk of abuse on the street, it’s a stretch to think they are better off on the street.

Serving migrant families

Chris Kunze, SCN, shares her experiences with the Casa Alitas Program in Arizona.

A Vincentian View: Filled with Compassion

One can hardly imagine that Jesus could use the term “father” without some reflection on the one who had been his earthly father for most of his life, Joseph.

Where is human dignity, I ask?

Where is human dignity, I ask?

On Monday, May 9, 2022, Maya Davis, a graduating nursing student, gave the following sermon in our last Religion 399 African American Faith and Social Justice class. I asked Maya if I could share her words with the world. Let the words of her mouth and the meditations of her heart be acceptable, Oh Lord.

Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

As the Father loves him, so does Jesus love us.  And to remain in his love, that is, to keep his commandment of love, is what he wants us to do. Jesus is saying farewell to his disciples.  He comforts them, assuring them that where he will be, there too they will be,...

On Being Overshadowed

On Being Overshadowed

On Being Overshadowed (Every year on the feast of the Annunciation thousands of Daughters of Charity the world over retake their vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and service to the poor. This was the homily at one of their Eucharists.) I once heard someone say...

Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Vine and Branches and Much Fruit

Jesus is the vine and his disciples, the branches.  Remaining in Jesus, and he in them, the disciples bear much fruit. Remaining now in the true vine, Paul gives much fruit. He does not only speak boldly in the name of Jesus. He also toils harder than all the other...

We become what we recieve

We become what we recieve

In receiving Christ, we become one body in him, and through him, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Through receiving the Eucharist, we enter into a unique and personal relationship with the Trinity and with one another, the Body of Christ. We become what we eat.