
The Small Pleasures of Life • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

I do not like and do not share in any way the rigorist doctrines of some Christians, who, without even realizing it, have clothed themselves in arrogance and false modesty; they are far from the true spirit of faith. The innocent joys of life were never forbidden....

A Polarized Church both Then and Now

Growing up, I was fascinated by fading pictures meticulously glued into some decades-old family albums. There I saw pictures of my mother and father before I was born.

A Vincentian View: The Good Shepherd

In the 23rd Psalm, the psalmist proclaims, “My shepherd is the Lord.”  I imagine that when Jesus prayed these words, he found a depiction of himself.

Mother Theresa and her “call within a call”

In 1946, during a train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling, Mother Teresa received what she called, “the call within a call.” The Lord asked her to begin a new religious community that would live and work with the poorest of the poor.

Living in a Time of Extremes

Living in a Time of Extremes

To us who live in a time when extremes on the left and right of the spectrum seem glaring, St. Paul comes with this counsel for keeping on course. “Do not conform yourselves to this age. But be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” To paraphrase him, “There are...

Petty and Narrow Self-Interests

Petty and Narrow Self-Interests

Jesus dies for us sinners.  That is how the God of unfathomable goodness proves his love for us as petty and stingy as we are. Our petty desires for gain, power and security hinder the revelation of truth.  And not knowing the truth leads to people’s...

A Vincentian View: 2417

A Vincentian View: 2417

A Vincentian View: 2417 400 years. For the universe, or the pyramids, or the Judeo-Christian faith, it does not seem like such a long time, but for human life it really is. In this year, as we all know, we celebrate the 400th anniversary of our Vincentian charism....

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