
How Can You See … But Not See?

The quick answer is… find a pair of rose-colored glasses.

Loaves and Fish of the Poor for the Poor

Jesus is the answer in full that the Father gives to our prayers.  And we poor people ask him to give us this day our daily loaves of bread. Jesus draws many people due to the signs he has performed for the sick.  But he seems to draw more people after going up on the...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? III

Vincent’s inner experience of the divine… what was its texture, shape, and direction?

Migration Pandemic

Well as you all know the pandemic has giving us what I call a “migrating experience.”  Some of us have had to move from our workspaces to home spaces and create a job atmosphere. 

A Vincentian View: Peace Be With You

A Vincentian View: Peace Be With You

Vincentian View: “Peace be with you” If you have gotten messages from me, you will see that I most often finish my notes with “Peace” or “Peace in the Risen Lord” or some such variation on “peace.”  Many people may feel that it is a left over from my hippie-days and...

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