
Change Agents – Our Heritage

A description of a change agent – “one who can make changes happen by inspiring and influencing others.” How does that fit you, St. Vincent de Paul, and the Vincentian Family?

Bond with God and with Human Beings

Jesus Christ embodies the genuine bond with God and with humans.  Through him, fully revealed and done is the will of God. Jesus tells a parable to the chief priests and the elders of the people.  Even we who live today understand it easily.  That is because it is...

Vincentian Prayer Images: St. Vincent of the Alleys

Where and how do we today walk the back alleys of our world?

Journey of Vincent

Vincent de Paul was born in France in 1581 during a time not unlike today: a time marred by war, disease, and poverty.

Am I my own worst enemy?

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 9, 2015 – 1 Kgs 19, 4-8; Eph 4, 30 – 5, 2; Jn 6, 41-51 Live in love (Eph 5, 2) Jesus lifts up and strengthens those who are crushed, and wakes up and disturbs those who are self-complacent. God encourages us who feel...

Knowing Vincent

Knowing Vincent

“Knowing Vincent” is the latest reflection in Father Patrick Griffin's series on Considering Consecrated Life. In the past month, I have been in a number of places where a particular presence has caught my eye. I have noticed on many shelves the fourteen volumes of...