
The Pope Video • Women in Leadership Roles in the Church

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Women in Leadership Roles in the Church.

The Vincentian Virtues Today

The five Virtues passed down to us by St. Vincent both clash with and connect with characteristics of the present culture.

A Canadian View: A Diversity Alliance

Let us join in a diversity alliance that is inclusive of all racialized persons and fulfills what God has given us all.

Living in a Tent as a Retirement Plan

Can you imagine being in the situation of an elderly homeless man living in a tent as a Retirement Plan?

The Journey – Fr. Pat Griffin

The Journey – Fr. Pat Griffin

In this reflection on “The Journey” Fr. Patrick Griffin continues his series of reflections "Considering Consecrated Life" Some may wonder what it was like in NY during the visit of Pope Francis. Let me offer one man’s experience . . . not of the privilege of being...

Culture of encounter and Vincentians

Culture of encounter and Vincentians

Culture of encounter and Vincentians - In his address to the Bishops of the United States Pope Francis said "we are promoters of the culture of encounter. We are living sacraments of the embrace between God’s riches and our poverty. We are witnesses of the abasement...


September 27, 2015: Solemnity of St. Vincent de Paul (Is 52, 7-10; 1 Cor 1, 26-31; 2, 1-2; Mt 5, 1-12a); Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Num 11, 25-29; Jas 5, 1-6; Mk 9, 38-43. 45. 47-48) I resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ crucified (1 Cor 2, 2)...