
From “Thanks” to “Giving” – An Ancient Tradition

The tradition of “thanksgiving” is not new. It has deep roots in the Old Testament and especially the New Testament. The Last Supper was a celebration of thanks but it was also a call to giving.

A Canadian View: A Ray of Hope for All 

November 15th is the World Day of the Poor. Let us all reflect on how we use this day as a new beginning, with the ray of hope we have been waiting for and forget our differences and come together as one family.

Which Costs More – Housing or Health Care?

After one year, BJC Healthcare estimated the cost of care for the enrolled homeless clients was reduced to $230,000, representing an estimated annual savings of nearly $400,000 or 71%. No doubt the financial people were quite pleased.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 21: To Live with Calmness and to Engage in Respectful and Active Listening

This health crisis has tested me emotionally and I have discovered that  placing my trust in God is a WONDERFUL OPTION …  one that is worthwhile.

Personal judgment

Personal judgment

In his weekly series "Considering Consecrated Life" Father Pat Griffin reflects on Personal Judgment. At the daily Eucharist during this past week, the First Book of Samuel provided the first reading.  We heard the interesting story of the origin and commissioning of...

Reading the Signs: Dark or Light?

Reading the Signs: Dark or Light?

In this reflection, written for a celebration of the feast of the Epiphany Fr. Tom McKenna offers thoughts on how do I understand this particular story -- how am I reading the signs -- that is so outside my usual way of looking at the world? You could look on this...

Mercy: The best of who we are

Mercy: The best of who we are

Mercy: The best of who we are - by Tracy Kemme What an opportunity Pope Francis has given us in the Year of Mercy! It feels like something beautiful is dawning. It is a chance to rediscover and put forth the best of who we are. A few weeks ago, I went to an Advent...

Take courage

Take courage

In Take courage Sr. Janet Gildea, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, shares her ongoing journey through chemotherapy. I received my fifth chemo yesterday, sleeping through most of the six hour infusion while listening to “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as...