
Women and Healing – in the Church and in the World

International Women’s Day 2021 comes in the midst of a pandemic that has had particularly devastating consequences for women.

Vincentian Prayer Images: Visit the Imprisoned

Jesus was in prison. How many innocent persons suffer unjust condemnation or maltreatment in the name of justice or expediency?

Lenten Video Series: Day 17, Prayer Parachute

This Lent, we offer to you the 2021 Lenten Video Series created by the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal.  Day 17: Prayer Parachute.

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?” 

Prayer and Management

Prayer and Management

Prayer and Management (Luke 6:12-19) In this section of Luke, we find Jesus continuing a ministry that’s spreading out further into the society, and in the process selecting 12 people from the group around him to be his “apostles”, i.e., the sent-out ones. You might...

Justice for the Poor and Defenseless

Justice for the Poor and Defenseless

Jesus guarantees absolutely that God will secure justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him with steadfast faith. We know from Jesus’ example and teaching that God’s chosen ones are the poor.  Christ, the Anointed with the Spirit, makes clear that his mission is...

God Who is Rich in Mercy

God Who is Rich in Mercy

The second encyclical of Pope John Paul II was Dives in Misericordia (The Mercy of God, November 30, 1980). In this encyclical he speaks elaborately on God’s mercy, as revealed in the Bible. This is a reflection in the light of this encyclical. The core of divine...