
Branches that Remain on the Vine

Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches.  That we remain in him, and he in us, is what makes us bear much fruit. In Ps 80, the Shepherd of Israel is asked to bring back his people.  This people started out as a vine that God brought out of Egypt and transplanted. ...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent VII

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “You see, Sisters, even though we don’t see God, faith teaches us that His holy presence is everywhere…”

April 25: Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Vincent

A transfer of the relics of Saint Vincent took place on April 25, 1830, via a grandiose procession to the Chapel at the Vincentian Mother House, rue de Sèvres.

Called to Ecological Conversion

One of the themes threaded throughout Laudato Si’ is the need for an ecological conversion.

Attuned To The Fear of the Lord

Attuned To The Fear of the Lord

Attuned To “The Fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:1-5; Lk. 10: 21) In Isaiah’s description of the special one God will send (“A shoot from the stump of Jesse”), he lists a number of qualities this person will have. Wisdom, understanding, strength, and so forth. But one of...

Light for our Path Is the Word of God

Light for our Path Is the Word of God

The creative and sustaining Word, made flesh and dwelling among us, is the true light that enlightens everyone. The comforting oracle through prophet Isaiah comes to fulfillment with the coming of Jesus.  In him, too, the great light that people walking in...

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

In the Old Testament, when the prophets spoke about the coming of the messiah their words expressed great joy. In the book of prophet Isaiah, we have many passages which express the joy of messianic time. This may be the reason, why the first reading for the liturgy...