
Video – The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage

Bronwen McShea, scholar of 17th century religious and political history, presents “The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage.”

A Vincentian View: Shalom

Have you been praying for peace in these days?  I hope so.  I certainly have.  As I do so, I find myself reflecting on the meaning of the word “peace” and what it means for the Christian.

Shocking document bishops signed in the Catacombs 60 years ago

I did not have any special expectations of Vatican II when I was ordained just months before the Council concluded. Pope St. John XXIII certainly had expectations of Vatican II!

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Jesus shows us how to love in truth God and our neighbor.  Out of love for them, he has to sweat blood and give himself wholly. To strive and to sweat.  This is what love for God asks of us who are of the Vincentian Family (SV.EN XI:32).  That is to say, it is not...