
Stitching Tweets Together: Using a Twitter Thread

With a twitter thread you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together.

Anti-Harassment and Cyberbullying Features on Twitter

Twitter Rules prohibit the kind of abuse we mean here — threats, hate speech, cyberbullying, and harassment and more. Let’s be civil!

Twitter Screamed

Yesterday, Twitter screamed about new revelations of sexual abuse, cover ups and abuse of power.

Echo the Voice of the Poor @SVDPUSACouncil

Using Twitter? You help SVDP’s Voice of the Poor and lots of other Vincentian Twitterers by using handles (@) and hashtags in your tweets and retweets!

A Vincentian Twitter Chat #famvin400

A Vincentian Twitter Chat #famvin400

You see the hashtag on Twitter every week: #famvin400. This tag can be used for a Twitter chat, one of the best examples of community building on Twitter. The topic of the chat: What are people saying about the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian charism? As we...

Want News? Get Twitter!

Want News? Get Twitter!

If you want news about anything happening anywhere, you can usually find it on Twitter. Whether its politics, sports, religion, entertainment, education, news, weather, whatever, if something is happening, someone is probably tweeting about it. The famvin Digital...

The Tweetable Pope

The Tweetable Pope

Tweetable. It means that the things you say can capture the imagination in 140 characters or less! Certainly, Pope Francis qualifies. MillenialJournal, which characterizes itself as "young Catholics -- ancient faith -- new century," has published an interview with...

Twitter as Your Organizer

Twitter as Your Organizer

If you really want to make the most of Twitter, you should treat it like a typical newspaper: Each subject matter should be split up into a different section. While Twitter has offered the ability to curate Lists around specific topics for a long time, they have...