
International SVDP disaster relief – Nepal and Vanatu

The International Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (CGI) in Paris has requested our assistance to raise funds for two international disasters: the earthquake in Nepal and the island of Vanuatu, which suffered the impact of Category 5 Tropical Cyclone PAM, which destroyed much of the country’s agricultural industry.

Direct aid to Sisters of Charity in Nepal

Donate now to earthquake relief in Nepal, and 100% of the money will go directly to SCN ministries in Nepal and help people in need.

New insights into Vincent’s biography

New insights into Vincent’s biography

A different kind of Vincentian dictionary/chronology

A different kind of Vincentian dictionary/chronology

Vincent, traffic lights, the Presence of God

Vincent, traffic lights, the Presence of God

Mike Syslo of the SVDP USA writes, “I have been reading “Little Steps to Great Holiness” by Charles Hugo Doyle. In the chapter on The Presence of God, the author refers to St. Vincent de Paul and how he focused on the presence of God throughout his life. I have included below that segment of Doyle’s book for your reflection.