
We are Missionary Disciples of Christ

One of the often referred teaching from the Second Vatican council is about the missionary vocation of all the baptized.  Pope Francis in his first apostolic exhortation, “Joy of Gospel,” explains this theme very beautifully. According to him, among the followers of...

Attribute All to God • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

“But what is the Spirit of Our Lord? It’s a spirit of perfect charity, filled with a marvelous esteem of the Divinity and an infinite desire to honor it in a worthy manner, together with a knowledge of the greatness of His Father, in order to admire and extol them...

Frederic Ozanam’s Tactical Wisdom For Today’s Society

Excerpts from an article by Fr. Thomas McKenna, C.M. in which he examines Frédéric Ozanam’s conception of how a religious tradition should engage its surrounding society.

Is There an “Immaculate COMPLEXION?”

Have you noticed? Mary never seems to age!

Gifts of Christ Who Has Gone up to Heaven

Gifts of Christ Who Has Gone up to Heaven

Jesus Christ goes up to heaven and gives gifts to men and women.  He wants them to grow up fully and be wholly human as he. We ask our Father in heaven many things.  And the good things we ask for are summed up in his gift of the Holy Spirit (Lk 11, 13).  Hence, this...

Where is human dignity, I ask?

Where is human dignity, I ask?

On Monday, May 9, 2022, Maya Davis, a graduating nursing student, gave the following sermon in our last Religion 399 African American Faith and Social Justice class. I asked Maya if I could share her words with the world. Let the words of her mouth and the meditations of her heart be acceptable, Oh Lord.