
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 20: Love Triumphs and Transforms People

We have awakened and reinforced feelings of unity, prudence, commitment and love for others. We have also had feelings of sadness caused by the reports of so many infections and deaths.

A Vincentian View: Healing

Right now, healing, hope, and life mix together in my head and heart. They rest firmly within the Gospel message, and find application in our Vincentian charism.

A Dangerous Reading of the Good Samaritan

A recent voter reflects on one of the most dangerous passages of the New Testament. – the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Ability to Hasten the Coming of the Lord

Jesus shares with us his anointing and mission to bring the Good News to the poor.  He gives tasks to each one according to one’s ability. By the grace of God, we have the ability to believe in Jesus.  But when he comes after a long time, will he find faith on earth?...

Not Just Interesting, But Moving

“Not Just Interesting, But Moving”           (Exodus 3; Psalm 103) There’s a difference between things that are interesting and things that are intriguing, between things which make us curious and things which actually move us. I can pick up a score of a symphony and...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Jesus invites even sinners to the banquet of the kingdom. The strict practitioners of religion complain once again that Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them. They probably deride him, whispering to each other, “You cannot take him to any banquet.” But again, too,...

Vincentian Faith Brings Joy

Vincentian Faith Brings Joy

Vincentian Faith brings Joy - Vincentians Works of Mercy - Reaching our Full Potential – Listen to My Son Vincentian Day of Fast and Prayer – Tuesday March 1, 2016 Vincentian Faith brings Joy - To have faith in Jesus means that we, too, can experience joy even while...