
How a Baby Changes Everything

A baby changes everything. Never was that truer than in the birth of the one we call Jesus of Nazareth. The birth of Jesus literally changed everything for everyone.

Advent Reflections: Vincentian Family Office (Part One)

During the Advent Season, each one of the four members of the International Vincentian Family Office will offer a brief video. Part One

Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the beginning and the end, and the source and the summit of the Good News.  That is why we point to him by our words and deeds. Mark presents the beginning of the Good News.  But right away he speaks of Isaiah and John.  The last fulfills the prophecy about a...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Another Look At Dented Coins

Who are the dented coins in my life?

Remembering Fr. McCullen

Remembering Fr. McCullen

For some months, the Daughters of Charity in the NY area had been in touch with me on the issue of preparing a memorial service for Fr. Richard McCullen, CM.  Sr. Julie Cutter, DC, and Sr. Catherine Prendergast, DC, and I became the members of a planning group which...

Vincentian Freedom to Serve

Vincentian Freedom to Serve

Vincentian Freedom to Serve - Vincentians Seek Our Lord – The Power of Touch – Lasting Joy Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Vincentian Freedom to Serve – Total Freedom lies in the ability to align one’s actions freely with the truth, so as to...