
Vincentian Prayer Images: Living in the Presence of God

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton reminds us to live in the presence of God.

To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God (Part III)

In my previous two posts I had used the words for the musical production of Les Miserables to show how Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Frederic Ozanam and Pope Francis were convinced of the reality that in loving our neighbor, we came to encounter the face of God. (Part III)

Virtual Service Immersion Reflection #IamVincent

This December, I had the pleasure of going on the first round of virtual service immersions. For four days I zoomed into St. Louis, Missouri to learn about anti-racism through the Vincentian charism.

The Pope Video • At the Service of Human Fraternity

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: At the Service of Human Fraternity.

Vincentian Self-worth

Vincentian Self-worth

Self-worth is not a phrase that would have been much discussed in the 17th century. You're not going to find it in the lexicon of St. Vincent. But the concept was not foreign to him. He knew that of human worth (and because of that, self-worth) was founded on what God...

A Vincentian View: Giving Your Best

A Vincentian View: Giving Your Best

A Vincentian View “Giving Your Best” I have been on vacation for the past two weeks.  I feel fortunate that these were the two weeks of the Olympic Games.  During the first week, I was with my two sisters and my brother’s family in Northboro, MA.  We spent much of the...

Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Jesus is the definitive divine word that teaches us to be humble.  He is also the perfect response of humility to the divine word. Jesus goes to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees.  Since the Pharisees love places of honor at banquets, one can suppose...

Collaboration Between Two Exceptional People

Vincent Could Tell a Good Story

J. Patrick Murphy, CM writes of Mr. Vincent that he had a feisty temper, was a good mimic, could tell a good story, and was charming to women. He proposes the following Lesson "Know your gifts, strengths and limits - then leverage them." On March 28, 1659, a year and...