
New video in the Seton Shrine’s Seeker to Saint series: Finding Mary

Our relationships shape who we are — the good relationships and the difficult ones. Mother Seton’s life was filled with difficult relationships that left her wounded.

Virtual Book Discussion Hosted by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth invite you and your congregation to join us for a virtual book discussion and conversation with the author of “Under the Sky We Make: How to be Human in a Warming World,”

An Eight-year-old Jesus Figure

I have rarely if ever, thought of a 21st century 8-year-old as a Jesus figure.

Being The Beloved (Isaiah 40:11: Lk 3:22)

A gift – something given over freely, with good will and coming not from obligation but from good will and esteem. It raises the question: of all the gifts to receive, which would be the most valuable and precious?

Backpack Blessings

Backpack Blessings

Beyond SundayTM team members from The Miraculous Medal Shrine are available to visit Catholic schools to distribute Miraculous Medals, tell the story of the Miraculous Medal, and provide blessings for students, staff, and faculty.

A Vincentian View: No Chaining the Word of God

A Vincentian View: Writing Letters

A Vincentian View: “Writing Letters” When I worked for the Congregation and the Company in Europe, I resolved at the very beginning of my tenure to write home once-a-week. I carried out that commitment faithfully. Little danger exists that my letters will be collected...

The Hidden Poor

The Hidden Poor

Becoming homeless ‘not chosen' Homeslessness is not something people choose – sometimes they are simply unlucky and fall on hard times. St Vincent de Paul Society executive and volunteer Herbert Portanier regularly meets people experiencing housing insecurity. “All it...

The Planted Word

The Planted Word

The Planted Word (James 1: 17-27) Early in the last century, a boy came home from school to tell his mother how he had thrown snow balls at a homeless man lying drunk in the winter street. Taking him aside, she drove home reasons why he should never demean...