
A Canadian View: Inter-Generational Trauma, Poverty & Racism, Part One

I would like to examine the relationship between trauma, poverty and (systemic) racism over my next three articles. Part One discusses trauma.

Homeless Persons and “Listening”

We all know Pope Francis is advocating for “listening church.” How might listening apply in our efforts with the homeless community?

Acting Out (Mark 12:38-44)

When you hear that someone is “acting out” it usually isn’t heard as a compliment.

What is the Prequel of Today’s “Synodal Process”?

Here I reflect on a “prequel” to the very first council, the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15).  I will also fast-forward to the two-year-long “sequel” taking place right now.

Wholeness and Unity of the Body of Christ

Wholeness and Unity of the Body of Christ

Jesus gives spiritual gifts to us who gather in his name.  He expects us to keep the wholeness and unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Right after Adam and Eve have given in to the serpent’s temptation, their personal wholeness starts to erode.  For they no...

A Vincentian View: Listen

A Vincentian View: Listen

A Vincentian View: “Listen” When we look at our current political climate, everyone knows that there is something amiss.  Sometimes people describe it as a lack of civil discourse. I believe that. The reasoning given is that people have forgotten how to speak to one...